Tuesday, January 26, 2010

No kidding, “Here we go again." 3 days ago the United States Supreme Court ruled that they will NOT get involved in the Asian Carp threat to our ecosystem. The State of Michigan was trying to force Illinois and the City of Chicago to close the Calumet River locks to any traffic. This would hopefully stop the known progression of the pesky carp into the Great Lakes System. Yesterday 1-20-2010, it was announced that the Lake Michigan has already been introduced with the DNA of the Asian Carp. Wow, what a big surprise! Big government has got in the way of a healthy environment.
This reminds me of the current healthcare debates. Our representatives in Washington want to battle over what to do about our current healthcare crisis. Meanwhile we continue to get sick as an American society, and then we go for treatment. Well, here is a novel idea. Why don't we go to and have paid for Wellness care? But no, they want to let the fire start then try to put it out.
Anywaz, I’m open for new ideas. Care to comment?

Thank you for taking time to read my blog I hope you find it usefull.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Asian Carp 1

Asian Carp are most commonly referred to as, Flying Fish. Because when they hear a motor boat in their area they seem to get excited, and will usually jump out of the water about three feet into the air. This action alone can be hazardous. But their presence alone in the aquatic environment is what is much more threatening to our society. They have no predators and they multiply very rapidly. They are a very real threat to upset our eco-system as we know it. We are on the verge of a DISATER OF EPIC PORPOTION that could dwarf the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti last week.

Who would have guessed it? Asian Carp were getting very populated at the Gulf of Mexico. So now the "Aquatic Pest" is now threatening the Great lakes of North America. What next, Boa Constrictor Snakes? Probably! Asian Carp are a species of fish that have no predators. They have migrated as far north as the Chicago Illinois Area, by moving up the Mississippi River to the Illinois River and on to the Chicago Canal. Also at about the same latitude I have seen them myself at the Clinton Iowa area on the Mississippi River. I have heard that the State of Michigan, the state of Ohio, and the state of Indiana are going to or have already filed suits against the State of Illinois to stop the progress of the marine vultures so they won't infest Lake Michigan and the other Great Lakes. So far it seems that the only way to assure the public they can't enter the Great Lakes System is to close off the Water Way path which is to close the Chicago Lock System... It appears that only the Army Corp. of Engineers can do this. And what are we waiting for? Oh yea, the almighty American "RED TAPE." So now we have one or two bureaucratic groups arguing with the other... On and on and on. Meanwhile our great American society is on the verge of an EPIC DISASTER that will dwarf the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti last week. Recently the Chicago Canal was poisoned to see how many Asian Carp would be found. They found one lone Carp. This would lead the public to believe that this is no big deal.....I beg to differ! If you see a mouse in your house there is usually 10 more that you don't see, in my opinion. So I think one or more of the species have probably already entered Lake Michigan. But to save what we can we need to IMMEDIATELY, close the Chicago Locks. And then we can deliberate as long as it takes. Come on you fat cat Bureaucrats, Get with reality before it is way too late.